Nick Chaboya
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โ€œHis primal drive to create has ensured that Nick Chaboyaโ€™s art in its many forms is perpetually developing, which is due in no small part to the mentors who instilled a fantastic philosophy into Nickโ€™s cognitive process. The painterly style he brought to tattooing has been refined to a point where you must concede that Nick is one of the foremost tattoo artists in his field, and a genuinely captivating soul.โ€
โ€” Neil at Tattoo Revolution Magazine
โ€œLearning to tattoo has been one of the hardest and most complicated things Iโ€™ve ever done! I feel like everyday Iโ€™m still learning new skin types, needle setups, pigments; not to mention having to grow artistically all the time. There are always so many variables, so many different situations, but the challenge of it keeps me attracted to the art form.

There are many tattooers that seem like theyโ€™re able to do it with such ease, and at times Iโ€™m envious of their ability, but at other times Iโ€™m not at all, because the struggle and the learning of the process is to me, romantically, one of the most enjoyable parts about tattooing.โ€
โ€” Nick Chaboya
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โ€œI do think that formal art training was beneficial to me not only as a tattooist, but as an artist. For techniques, concepts and history, I do not think schooling is needed. That information is out there for anybody whoโ€™s interested in seeking it out.

The main thing I learned from schooling was how to ask questions. If you have a certain aesthetic that is your desired look, then you have to ask yourself questions to get yourself to the finished product that you want. Like Iโ€™ve said many times before, if the piece that you are going to create is about color, is the use of line important? These types of questions help to concentrate your idea into a very legible, readable, unique, and consistent body of artwork, which I think at times is the hardest thing to create.โ€
โ€” Nick Chaboya
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About Nick Chaboya

The majority of my day is devoted to art in some form. Every moment is a unique one, filled with creative inspiration: and every encounter with a client is filled with the potential to bring this inspiration into reality. 

To me, art equals freedom and freedom has no limits-- so my art has not limits. Other places I draw inspiration from range from going global with travel to staying local within my community to spending time with my beautiful wife and tending to our animals!

 Other links to get to know me: